Friday, October 17, 2014


I ma hoping you are all reading Malcolm Brooks's Painted Horses, at least as much for your pleasure as because he is a friend who deserves it-- for why would I be saying such good things about a bad writer? (There is a Russ Chatham story about beautiful women who are not quite as bright and talented as they think, and I have no intention of navigating THOSE waters late on Friday night!)

Meanwhile Malcolm has been busy. Here is his NYT "Opinionator" piece, about Glacier, his kids, and change,  albeit truncated and with some of the most inappropriate and uninformed comments you could (not?) imagine. I may publish it uncut later.

And his review of the Book of books, which makes me blush, here (which he had a hard time placing, because nobody knew what genre to assign my book to).

reading in Denver

1 comment:

Lucas Machias said...

excellent review